Brock Lesnar holds down Frank Mir during their heavyweight title bout during UFC 100 on July 11, 2009 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Lesnar defeated Mir by a second round knockout. (Photo by Jon Kopaloff/Getty Images)
For those who are so eager to watch the UFC 100 main event replay, also known as the Frank Mir Vs Brock Lesnar replay, here's a video below that will show you the UFC 100 main event replay. Click here to download the replay video of the UFC 100 Main Event.
If you have a fast internet connection, you can watch the replay below (Please wait until the gray bar loads completely, or else, you cannot fully watch the replay video. Play it first, and when it starts to buffer, click still, and wait until the gray bar is 100% loaded):
If the video above doesn't work, another UFC 100 replay video is available here. The video is available in 3 different formats: 3GP, AVI and FLV. Enjoy!
Congratulations once again to Brock Lesnar for winning the UFC 100 main event. This is yet another historical victory to Brock Lesnar. To Frank Mir, better luck next time. We all know you did your best but you best is not good enough. This is not the end, there's always another chance once you're still alive.

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